Sunset to Sunrise over the Baltic Sea

APOD: 2023 June 16 - Sunset to Sunrise over the Baltic Sea Discover the cosmos!Each day a different image or photograph of our fascinating universe isfeatured, along with a brief explanation written by a professional astronomer. 2023 June 16 Sunset to Sunrise over the Baltic Sea Image Credit &Copyright: Bernd Pröschold(TWAN) Explanation: This serene view fromthe coast of Sweden looks across the Baltic seaand compresses time, presenting the passage of one night in asingle photograph.From sunset to sunrise,moonlightilluminates the creative sea and skyscape.Fleeting clouds, fixed stars, and flowingnorthern lightsleave their traces inplanet Earth's sky.To construct the timelapse image,3296 video frames were recorded on the nightof a nearly full moon between 7:04pm and 6:35am local time.As time progressesfrom left to right,a single column of pixels was takenfrom the correspondingindividual frame and combined in sequence into a single digital image3296 pixels wide. HappyBirthdayAPOD Tomorrow's picture: light-weekend<| Archive| Submissions | Index| Search| Calendar| RSS| Education| About APOD| Discuss| > Authors & editors: Robert Nemiroff(MTU) &Jerry Bonnell (UMCP)NASA Official: Phillip NewmanSpecific rights apply.NASA WebPrivacy Policy and Important NoticesA service of:ASD atNASA /GSFC& Michigan Tech. U.

  463 Hits

Planet Earth at Night II

Astronomy Picture of the Day Discover the cosmos!Each day a different image or photograph of our fascinating universe isfeatured, along with a brief explanation written by a professional astronomer. Planet Earth at Night II Video Credit: NASA,Gateway to Astronaut Photography,ISS Expedition 53; Music: The Low Seas (The 126ers) Explanation: Recorded during 2017, timelapse sequences from theInternational Space Station are compiled in thisserene video of planet Earth at Night.Fans of low Earth orbit can start by enjoying the view asgreen and red aurora borealisslather up the sky.The night scene tracks from northwest to southeast across North America,toward the Gulf of Mexico and the Florida coast.A second sequence follows European city lights, crossesthe Mediterranean Sea, and passes over a bright Nile riverin northern Africa.Seen from the orbital outpost, erratic flashes of lightning appearin thunder storms below and stars rise above the planet's curvedhorizon through a faintatmospheric airglow.Of course, from home you can always check out thevital signs of Planet Earth Now. Tomorrow's picture: How many sides does northern Saturn have?<| Archive| Submissions | Index| Search| Calendar| RSS| Education| About APOD| Discuss| > Authors & editors: Robert Nemiroff(MTU) &Jerry Bonnell (UMCP)NASA Official: Phillip NewmanSpecific rights apply.NASA WebPrivacy Policy and Important NoticesA service of:ASD atNASA...

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M15: Dense Globular Star Cluster

APOD: 2023 June 15 - M15: Dense Globular Star Cluster Discover the cosmos!Each day a different image or photograph of our fascinating universe isfeatured, along with a brief explanation written by a professional astronomer. 2023 June 15 M15: Dense Globular Star Cluster Image Credit: NASA, ESA, Hubble Legacy Archive; Processing: Ehsan Ebrahimian Explanation: Messier 15 isan immense swarm of over 100,000 stars.A 13 billion year old relic of the early formative yearsof our galaxy it's one of about 170 globular star clusters thatstill roam the halo of the Milky Way.Centered in this sharpreprocessed Hubble image, M15lies some 35,000 light-years away toward the constellation Pegasus.Its diameter is about 200 light-years,but more than half its stars are packed into the central 10light-years or so,making one of the densest concentrations of stars known.Hubble-basedmeasurements of the increasing velocities of M15's central starsare evidence that a massive black hole resides at the center of thedense cluster.M15 is also known toharbour a planetary nebula.Called Pease 1 (aka PN Ps 1), it can be seen in this image as asmall blue blob below and just right of center. Tomorrow's picture: when time lapses<| Archive| Submissions | Index| Search| Calendar| RSS| Education| About APOD| Discuss| > Authors & editors:...

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  417 Hits

Sunset to Sunrise over the Baltic Sea

Astronomy Picture of the Day Discover the cosmos!Each day a different image or photograph of our fascinating universe isfeatured, along with a brief explanation written by a professional astronomer. 2023 June 16 Sunset to Sunrise over the Baltic Sea Image Credit &Copyright: Bernd Pröschold(TWAN) Explanation: This serene view fromthe coast of Sweden looks across the Baltic seaand compresses time, presenting the passage of one night in asingle photograph.From sunset to sunrise,moonlightilluminates the creative sea and skyscape.Fleeting clouds, fixed stars, and flowingnorthern lightsleave their traces inplanet Earth's sky.To construct the timelapse image,3296 video frames were recorded on the nightof June's Full Moon between 7:04pm and 6:35am local time.As time progressesfrom left to right,a single column of pixels was takenfrom the correspondingindividual frame and combined in sequence into a single digital image3296 pixels wide. HappyBirthdayAPOD Tomorrow's picture: light-weekend<| Archive| Submissions | Index| Search| Calendar| RSS| Education| About APOD| Discuss| > Authors & editors: Robert Nemiroff(MTU) &Jerry Bonnell (UMCP)NASA Official: Phillip NewmanSpecific rights apply.NASA WebPrivacy Policy and Important NoticesA service of:ASD atNASA /GSFC& Michigan Tech. U.

  426 Hits

M15: Dense Globular Star Cluster

Astronomy Picture of the Day Discover the cosmos!Each day a different image or photograph of our fascinating universe isfeatured, along with a brief explanation written by a professional astronomer. 2023 June 15 M15: Dense Globular Star Cluster Image Credit: NASA, ESA, Hubble Legacy Archive; Processing: Ehsan Ebrahimian Explanation: Messier 15 isan immense swarm of over 100,000 stars.A 13 billion year old relic of the early formative yearsof our galaxy it's one of about 170 globular star clusters thatstill roam the halo of the Milky Way.Centered in this sharpreprocessed Hubble image, M15lies some 35,000 light-years away toward the constellation Pegasus.Its diameter is about 200 light-years,but more than half its stars are packed into the central 10light-years or so,making one of the densest concentrations of stars known.Hubble-basedmeasurements of the increasing velocities of M15's central starsare evidence that a massive black hole resides at the center of thedense cluster.M15 is also known toharbour a planetary nebula.Called Pease 1 (aka PN Ps 1), it can be seen in this image as asmall blue blob below and just right of center. Tomorrow's picture: when time lapses<| Archive| Submissions | Index| Search| Calendar| RSS| Education| About APOD| Discuss| > Authors & editors: Robert Nemiroff(MTU) &Jerry Bonnell (UMCP)NASA...

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Elephant's Trunk and Caravan

APOD: 2023 June 8 - Elephant's Trunk and Caravan Discover the cosmos!Each day a different image or photograph of our fascinating universe isfeatured, along with a brief explanation written by a professional astronomer. 2023 June 8 Elephant's Trunk and Caravan Image Credit &Copyright: SteveCannistra(StarryWonders) Explanation: Like an illustration in a galacticJust So Story,the Elephant's Trunk Nebulawinds through the emission region and young star clustercomplex IC 1396, in the high and far offconstellationof Cepheus.Seen on the left the cosmic elephant's trunk,also known as vdB 142, is over 20 light-years long.This detailed telescopic view features the bright swept-backridges and pockets of coolinterstellardust and gas that abound in the region.But thedark, tendril-shaped cloudscontain the raw material for star formation and hideprotostars within.Nearly 3,000light-yearsdistant, the relatively faint IC 1396 complexcovers a large region on the sky, spanning over 5 degrees.This renditionspans a 1 degree wide field of view though,about the angular size of 2 full moons.Of coursethe dark shapes below and to the right of the outstretched Elephant'sTrunk, are known to some as The Caravan. Tomorrow's picture: pixels in space<| Archive| Submissions | Index| Search| Calendar| RSS| Education| About APOD| Discuss| > Authors & editors: Robert Nemiroff(MTU) &Jerry Bonnell (UMCP)NASA Official: Phillip NewmanSpecific rights apply.NASA...

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  444 Hits

Pandora's Cluster of Galaxies

APOD: 2023 June 9 - Pandora's Cluster of Galaxies Discover the cosmos!Each day a different image or photograph of our fascinating universe isfeatured, along with a brief explanation written by a professional astronomer. 2023 June 9 Pandora's Cluster of Galaxies Image Credit:NASA,ESA,CSA,Ivo Labbe (Swinburne), Rachel Bezanson (University of Pittsburgh),Processing: Alyssa Pagan (STScI) Explanation: This deep field mosaicked imagepresents a stunning view of galaxy cluster Abell 2744 recorded bythe James Webb Space Telescope's NIRCam.Also dubbed Pandora's Cluster, Abell 2744 itselfappears to be a ponderous merger of three different massive galaxyclusters.It lies some 3.5 billion light-years away, toward the constellation Sculptor.Dominated by dark matter,the mega-cluster warps and distortsthe fabric of spacetime,gravitationally lensingeven more distant objects.Redder than the Pandora cluster galaxiesmany of the lensed sources are very distant galaxies in the earlyUniverse, their lensed images stretched and distorted into arcs.Of course distinctivediffraction spikes mark foreground Milky Waystars.At the Pandora Cluster's estimateddistance this cosmic box spans about 6 million light-years.But don't panic.You can explore the tantalizing region in a2 minute video tour. Tomorrow's picture: light-weekend<| Archive| Submissions | Index| Search| Calendar| RSS| Education| About APOD| Discuss| > Authors & editors: Robert Nemiroff(MTU) &Jerry Bonnell (UMCP)NASA Official: Phillip NewmanSpecific rights apply.NASA WebPrivacy Policy and Important NoticesA...

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Mars and the Beehive

Astronomy Picture of the Day Discover the cosmos!Each day a different image or photograph of our fascinating universe isfeatured, along with a brief explanation written by a professional astronomer. 2023 June 10 Mars and the Beehive Image Credit &Copyright:Rolando Ligustri Explanation: This month, bright Mars and brilliant Venusare the prominent celestial beacons inplanet Earth's western skies after sunset.Wandering through the constellation Cancer the Crab, the Red Planet wascaptured hereon the evening of June 3 near the stars ofopen cluster Messier 44.Recognized since antiquity this nearby, naked-eye star cluster is also knownas the Praesepe or the Beehive cluster.A swarm of stars all much younger than the Sun, the Beehive cluster isa mere 600 light-years distant.Seen with a yellowish hue, Mars is about 17 light-minutes away.On June 12/13 Venuswill take its turn posing next to the stars ofthe Beehive cluster.But the dazzling light of Venus will make the Beehive starsdifficult to see by eye alone. Tomorrow's picture: the spectrum of the Sun<| Archive| Submissions | Index| Search| Calendar| RSS| Education| About APOD| Discuss| > Authors & editors: Robert Nemiroff(MTU) &Jerry Bonnell (UMCP)NASA Official: Phillip NewmanSpecific rights apply.NASA WebPrivacy Policy and Important NoticesA service of:ASD atNASA /GSFC& Michigan Tech. U.

  480 Hits

Elephant s Trunk and Caravan

APOD: 2023 June 8 - Elephant s Trunk and Caravan Discover the cosmos!Each day a different image or photograph of our fascinating universe isfeatured, along with a brief explanation written by a professional astronomer. 2023 June 8 Elephant's Trunk and Caravan Image Credit &Copyright: SteveCannistra(StarryWonders) Explanation: Like an illustration in a galacticJust So Story,the Elephant's Trunk Nebulawinds through the emission region and young star clustercomplex IC 1396, in the high and far offconstellationof Cepheus.Seen on the left the cosmic elephant's trunk,also known as vdB 142, is over 20 light-years long.This detailed telescopic view features the bright swept-backridges and pockets of coolinterstellardust and gas that abound in the region.But thedark, tendril-shaped cloudscontain the raw material for star formation and hideprotostars within.Nearly 3,000light-yearsdistant, the relatively faint IC 1396 complexcovers a large region on the sky, spanning over 5 degrees.This renditionspans a 1 degree wide field of view though,about the angular size of 2 full moons.Of coursethe dark shapes below and to the right of the outstretched Elephant'sTrunk, are known to some as The Caravan. Tomorrow's picture: pixels in space<| Archive| Submissions | Index| Search| Calendar| RSS| Education| About APOD| Discuss| > Authors & editors: Robert Nemiroff(MTU) &Jerry Bonnell (UMCP)NASA Official: Phillip NewmanSpecific rights...

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Pandora s Cluster of Galaxies

Astronomy Picture of the Day Discover the cosmos!Each day a different image or photograph of our fascinating universe isfeatured, along with a brief explanation written by a professional astronomer. 2023 June 9 Pandora's Cluster of Galaxies Image Credit:NASA,ESA,CSA,Ivo Labbe (Swinburne), Rachel Bezanson (University of Pittsburgh),Processing: Alyssa Pagan (STScI) Explanation: This deep field mosaicked imagepresents a stunning view of galaxy cluster Abell 2744 fromthe James Webb Space Telescope's NIRCam.Also dubbed Pandora's Cluster, Abell 2744 itselfappears to be a ponderous merger of three different massive galaxy clusterssome 3.5 billion light-years away toward the constellation Sculptor.Dominated by dark matter,the mega-cluster warps and distortsthe fabric of spacetime,gravitationally lensingeven more distant objects.Redder than the Pandora cluster galaxiesmany of the lensed sources are very distant galaxies in the earlyUniverse, stretched and distorted into arcs.Of course distinctivediffraction spikes mark foreground Milky Waystars.At the Pandora Cluster's estimateddistance this cosmic box spans about 6 million light-years.But don't panic.You can explore the tantalizing region in a2 minute video tour. Tomorrow's picture: light-weekend<| Archive| Submissions | Index| Search| Calendar| RSS| Education| About APOD| Discuss| > Authors & editors: Robert Nemiroff(MTU) &Jerry Bonnell (UMCP)NASA Official: Phillip NewmanSpecific rights apply.NASA WebPrivacy Policy and Important NoticesA service of:ASD atNASA /GSFC& Michigan Tech. U.

  491 Hits

Elephant s Trunk and Caravan

Astronomy Picture of the Day Discover the cosmos!Each day a different image or photograph of our fascinating universe isfeatured, along with a brief explanation written by a professional astronomer. 2023 June 8 Elephant's Trunk and Caravan Image Credit &Copyright: SteveCannistra(StarryWonders) Explanation: Like an illustration in a galacticJust So Story,the Elephant's Trunk Nebulawinds through the emission region and young star clustercomplex IC 1396, in the high and far offconstellationof Cepheus.Seen on the left the cosmic elephant's trunk,also known as vdB 142, is over 20 light-years long.This detailed telescopic view features the bright swept-backridges and pockets of coolinterstellardust and gas that abound in the region.But thedark, tendril-shaped cloudscontain the raw material for star formation and hideprotostars within.Nearly 3,000light-yearsdistant, the relatively faint IC 1396 complexcovers a large region on the sky, spanning over 5 degrees.This renditionspans a 1 degree wide field of view though,about the angular size of 2 full moons.Of coursethe dark shapes below and to the right of the outstretched Elephant'sTrunk, are known to some as The Caravan. Tomorrow's picture: pixels in space<| Archive| Submissions | Index| Search| Calendar| RSS| Education| About APOD| Discuss| > Authors & editors: Robert Nemiroff(MTU) &Jerry Bonnell (UMCP)NASA Official: Phillip NewmanSpecific rights apply.NASA WebPrivacy Policy and Important...

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  434 Hits

Charon: Moon of Pluto

Astronomy Picture of the Day Discover the cosmos!Each day a different image or photograph of our fascinating universe isfeatured, along with a brief explanation written by a professional astronomer. 2023 June 3 Charon: Moon of Pluto Image Credit: NASA,Johns Hopkins Univ./APL,Southwest Research Institute,U.S. Naval Observatory Explanation: A darkened and mysterious north polar regionknown to some asMordor Macula caps this premier high-resolution view.Theportrait of Charon, Pluto's largest moon,was captured by New Horizons near the spacecraft's closestapproach on July 14, 2015.The combined blue, red,and infrared data was processed to enhance colorsand follow variations in Charon's surface propertieswith a resolution of about 2.9 kilometers (1.8 miles).A stunning image of Charon's Pluto-facing hemisphere, it alsofeatures a clear view of an apparentlymoon-girdling belt offractures and canyons that seems toseparate smooth southern plains from varied northern terrain.Charon is 1,214 kilometers (754 miles) across.That's about 1/10th the size of planet Earthbut a whopping 1/2 the diameter ofPlutoitself, and makes it the largest satellite relative to itsparent body in the Solar System.Still, the moon appears as a small bump at about the 1 o'clock positionon Pluto's disk in the grainy, negative,telescopic picture insetat upper left.That view was used by James Christy and Robert Harringtonat the U.S. Naval Observatory in...

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  410 Hits

Messier 101

APOD: 2023 June 2 - Messier 101 Discover the cosmos!Each day a different image or photograph of our fascinating universe isfeatured, along with a brief explanation written by a professional astronomer. 2023 June 2 Messier 101 Image Credit: NASA,ESA,CFHT,NOAO;Acknowledgement -K.Kuntz (GSFC),F.Bresolin (U.Hawaii),J.Trauger (JPL),J.Mould (NOAO),Y.-H.Chu (U. Illinois) Explanation: Big, beautiful spiral galaxy M101 is one of the last entries inCharles Messier'sfamous catalog, but definitely notone of the least.About 170,000 light-years across, this galaxy is enormous, almosttwice the size of our own Milky Way.M101 was also one of the originalspiral nebulaeobserved by Lord Rosse's large 19th century telescope, theLeviathanof Parsontown.Assembled from 51 exposures recorded by theHubble Space Telescopein the 20th and 21stcenturies, with additional data from ground based telescopes,this mosaic spans about 40,000 light-years across the central regionof M101 in one of the highest definitionspiral galaxy portraits ever released from Hubble.The sharp image shows stunning featuresof the galaxy's face-on disk of stars and dust along withbackground galaxies, some visible right through M101 itself.Also known as thePinwheel Galaxy, M101lies within the boundaries of the northern constellationUrsa Major, about 25 million light-years away. Tomorrow's picture: Portrait of Charon<| Archive| Submissions | Index| Search| Calendar| RSS| Education| About APOD| Discuss| > Authors & editors: Robert Nemiroff(MTU)...

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Recycling Cassiopeia A

APOD: 2023 June 1 - Recycling Cassiopeia A Discover the cosmos!Each day a different image or photograph of our fascinating universe isfeatured, along with a brief explanation written by a professional astronomer. 2023 June 1 Recycling Cassiopeia A Image Credit: X-ray -NASA,CXC, SAO;Optical -NASA,STScI Explanation: Massive stars in our Milky Way Galaxy live spectacular lives. Collapsing from vast cosmic clouds, their nuclear furnacesignite and create heavy elements in their cores.After a few million years, theenriched material is blastedback into interstellar space where star formation can begin anew.The expanding debris cloud known as Cassiopeia A is an exampleof this final phase of the stellar life cycle.Light from the explosion which created this supernova remnantwould have been firstseen in planet Earth's skyabout 350 years ago,although it took that light about 11,000 years to reach us.This false-color image, composed of X-ray and optical image datafrom the Chandra X-ray Observatory and Hubble Space Telescope,shows the still hot filaments and knots in the remnant.It spans about 30 light-years at the estimated distance of Cassiopeia A.High-energy X-ray emission from specific elements has been color coded,silicon in red, sulfur in yellow, calcium in greenand iron in purple, to helpastronomers explorethe recycling of our galaxy'sstar stuff.Still expanding, the outer...

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  426 Hits

Messier 101

Astronomy Picture of the Day Discover the cosmos!Each day a different image or photograph of our fascinating universe isfeatured, along with a brief explanation written by a professional astronomer. 2023 June 2 Messier 101 Image Credit: NASA,ESA,CFHT,NOAO;Acknowledgement -K.Kuntz (GSFC),F.Bresolin (U.Hawaii),J.Trauger (JPL),J.Mould (NOAO),Y.-H.Chu (U. Illinois) Explanation: Big, beautiful spiral galaxy M101 is one of the last entries inCharles Messier'sfamous catalog, but definitely notone of the least.About 170,000 light-years across, this galaxy is enormous, almosttwice the size of our own Milky Way.M101 was also one of the originalspiral nebulaeobserved by Lord Rosse's large 19th century telescope, theLeviathanof Parsontown.Assembled from 51 exposures recorded by theHubble Space Telescopein the 20th and 21stcenturies, with additional data from ground based telescopes,this mosaic spans about 40,000 light-years across the central regionof M101 in one of the highest definitionspiral galaxy portraits ever released from Hubble.The sharp image shows stunning featuresof the galaxy's face-on disk of stars and dust along withbackground galaxies, some visible right through M101 itself.Also known as thePinwheel Galaxy, M101lies within the boundaries of the northern constellationUrsa Major, about 25 million light-years away. Tomorrow's picture: Portrait of Charon<| Archive| Submissions | Index| Search| Calendar| RSS| Education| About APOD| Discuss| > Authors & editors: Robert Nemiroff(MTU) &Jerry Bonnell...

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Crescent Neptune and Triton

Gliding through the outer

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Virgo Cluster Galaxies

APOD: 2023 May 26 - Virgo Cluster Galaxies Discover the cosmos!Each day a different image or photograph of our fascinating universe isfeatured, along with a brief explanation written by a professional astronomer. 2023 May 26 Virgo Cluster Galaxies Image Credit &Copyright: Abdullah Alharbi Explanation: Galaxies of the Virgo Clusterare scattered across this nearly 4 degree widetelescopic field of view.About 50 million light-years distant, the Virgo Cluster is theclosest large galaxy cluster to our own local galaxy group.Prominent here are Virgo's bright elliptical galaxiesMessier catalog,M87 at bottom center, and M84 and M86 (top to bottom)near top left.M84 and M86 are recognized as part ofMarkarian's Chain,a visually striking line-up of galaxies on theleft side of this frame.Near the middle of the chain lies an intriguing interacting pair of galaxies,NGC 4438 and NGC 4435,known to some as Markarian's Eyes.Of course giant elliptical galaxy M87dominates the Virgo cluster.It's the home of a super massive black hole,the first black hole ever imaged by planet Earth'sEvent Horizon Telescope. Tomorrow's picture: Crescent Neptune and Triton<| Archive| Submissions | Index| Search| Calendar| RSS| Education| About APOD| Discuss| > Authors & editors: Robert Nemiroff(MTU) &Jerry Bonnell (UMCP)NASA Official: Phillip NewmanSpecific rights apply.NASA WebPrivacy Policy and Important NoticesA service of:ASD atNASA...

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  452 Hits

Cat s Eye Wide and Deep

APOD: 2023 May 25 - Cat s Eye Wide and Deep Discover the cosmos!Each day a different image or photograph of our fascinating universe isfeatured, along with a brief explanation written by a professional astronomer. 2023 May 25 Cat's Eye Wide and Deep Image Credit &Copyright:Jean-François Bax,Guillaume Gruntz Explanation: The Cat'sEye Nebula (NGC 6543) is one of the best knownplanetary nebulae in the sky.Its morefamiliar outlines are seen in the brightercentral region ofthe nebula in this impressive wide-angle view.But this wide and deep image combiningdata from two telescopes also revealsits extremely faint outer halo.At an estimated distance of 3,000 light-years, thefaint outer halo is over 5 light-years across.Planetary nebulae have long been appreciated as a final phasein the life of a sun-like star.More recently, some planetary nebulae are found tohave halos likethis one, likely formed of material shrugged off duringearlier episodes in the star's evolution.While the planetary nebula phaseis thought to last for around 10,000 years,astronomers estimate the age of the outer filamentary portionsof this halo to be 50,000 to 90,000 years.Visible on the right, some 50 million light-years beyondthe watchful planetary nebula, lies spiral galaxy NGC 6552. Tomorrow's picture: Virgo Cluster Galaxies <| Archive| Submissions | Index| Search| Calendar| RSS|...

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  435 Hits

Virgo Cluster Galaxies

Astronomy Picture of the Day Discover the cosmos!Each day a different image or photograph of our fascinating universe isfeatured, along with a brief explanation written by a professional astronomer. 2023 May 26 Virgo Cluster Galaxies Image Credit &Copyright: Abdullah Alharbi Explanation: Galaxies of the Virgo Clusterare scattered across this nearly 4 degree widetelescopic field of view.About 50 million light-years distant, the Virgo Cluster is theclosest large galaxy cluster to our own local galaxy group.Prominent here are Virgo's bright elliptical galaxiesMessier catalog,M87 at bottom center, and M84 and M86 (top to bottom)near top left.M84 and M86 are recognized as part ofMarkarian's Chain,a visually striking line-up of galaxies on theleft side of this frame.Near the middle of the chain lies an intriguing interacting pair of galaxies,NGC 4438 and NGC 4435,known to some as Markarian's Eyes.Of course giant elliptical galaxy M87dominates the Virgo cluster.It's the home of a super massive black hole,the first black hole ever imaged by planet Earth'sEvent Horizon Telescope. Tomorrow's picture: Crescent Neptune and Triton<| Archive| Submissions | Index| Search| Calendar| RSS| Education| About APOD| Discuss| > Authors & editors: Robert Nemiroff(MTU) &Jerry Bonnell (UMCP)NASA Official: Phillip NewmanSpecific rights apply.NASA WebPrivacy Policy and Important NoticesA service of:ASD atNASA /GSFC& Michigan Tech....

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  528 Hits

Cat s Eye Wide and Deep

Astronomy Picture of the Day Discover the cosmos!Each day a different image or photograph of our fascinating universe isfeatured, along with a brief explanation written by a professional astronomer. 2023 May 25 Cat's Eye Wide and Deep Image Credit &Copyright:Jean-François Bax,Guillaume Gruntz Explanation: The Cat'sEye Nebula (NGC 6543) is one of the best knownplanetary nebulae in the sky.Its morefamiliar outlines are seen in the brightercentral region ofthe nebula in this impressive wide-angle view.But this wide and deep image combiningdata from two telescopes also revealsits extremely faint outer halo.At an estimated distance of 3,000 light-years, thefaint outer halo is over 5 light-years across.Planetary nebulae have long been appreciated as a final phasein the life of a sun-like star.More recently, some planetary nebulae are found tohave halos likethis one, likely formed of material shrugged off duringearlier episodes in the star's evolution.While the planetary nebula phaseis thought to last for around 10,000 years,astronomers estimate the age of the outer filamentary portionsof this halo to be 50,000 to 90,000 years.Visible on the right, some 50 million light-years beyondthe watchful planetary nebula, lies spiral galaxy NGC 6552. Tomorrow's picture: Virgo Cluster Galaxies <| Archive| Submissions | Index| Search| Calendar| RSS| Education| About APOD| Discuss| > Authors...

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  546 Hits